Welcome to Meemo’s Farm, a hunting lodge and game preserve like no other.

Located on more than 1,600 acres of forest, open fields, marshland, bogs, ponds and lakes, we are the outdoor enthusiast’s dream location.

Theory of Hospitality

At Meemo’s Farm, we have come up with an equation that lays out our simple philosophy – a philosophy we live by in everything we do. We call this our Theory of Hospitality. E2 = MC or Expectations Exceeded = Memories Cherished. Simply put, the ways in which memories are created relates directly to the ways in which we experience life. Great experiences are the ones that stand out the most, while mundane experiences tend to blur into the background of our lives. As a result of this, it is the experiences that go above and beyond our expectations that stay with us forever. These are the experiences that Meemo’s Farm strives to provide its guests at every opportunity.

Stewards of the Environment

Enjoying the outdoors in a thoughtful way comes with responsibility, and that responsibility is something we’re proud to accept. As stewards of the environment, we take sustainability very seriously and we are not willing to make exceptions. We follow best practices for sustainable tourism and are concerned with the ethical use of the land we call home. We thank you for helping us in our efforts to maintain this beautiful, amazing part of central Michigan as fellow stewards.


Emerald Ash Borer Research

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), is an exotic beetle that was first identified in southeastern Michigan near Detroit in the summer of 2002. It has been estimated that the beetle first arrived in Michigan in packing material in the early 90’s or late 80’s. Since that time it has killed over 40 million ash trees in Michigan alone, as well as tens of millions across 27 other states of the United States and Canada.
Meemo’s Farm has teamed up with Arborjet, a world leader in tree injection technology and Michigan State University to research using tree injections to manage EAB in woodlots. Arborjet is planning to continue this research project on EAB control in our woodlots for the next several years.

Our plan is to fine tune treatment protocols for emerald ash borer, by refining both chemistries and application methods. Tree-age is the industries #1 treatment for emerald ash borer, and we plan to make it even better. The injections made in the fall of 2014 will help solidify that the chemistry moves well in the late season, being available in the spring for tree protection. We will also make spring injection for comparison. To test for this, we will be harvesting foliage in the spring, deliver it to Michigan State University and have it assayed with adult EAB. Our ultimate goal is to extend the current lifespan of the Tree-age product from 2 years to a minimum of 5, thus making the treatment of the Ash much more affordable in the future.